Ralf Sighting!

Ralf the Destroyer is now available on the WebToon platform, online and app! If you are someone who already uses the app, you’ll have a new way to read  ‘Ralf the Destroyer” and if you don’t… it can’t hurt to try, it’s free! The mobile app is quick and easy to use. It allows subscribing and remembers where you left off reading as well as offering off-line viewing!

One other plus was that WebToon is integrated with Patreon. On that note, I’d like to mention that I’m in the process of “upping” the reward tiers with more content. I’m thinking character and preview sketches, digital email delivery, and new long form pages that will answer questions and reveal more about the characters… but I’m open to suggestions as well. I am still trying to get the logistics straightened out, but am actively moving in that direction.

Last but not least, I want to thank the patron saint of webcomics, Philip “Frumph” Hofer for helping me to FINALLY purge my site of that wretched pharma malware that plagued me for so long. I really could not have done it without him. He was a driving force behind the ComicPress theme, built the ComicEasel plug-in and is still creating WordPress tools to help comic creators on-line. I am supporting him on Patreon and I enthusiastically encourage anyone (who can) to do so as well.

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