For those of you out there that don’t already know, I was hire by Lee Garvin who is the creator of the highly entertaining Role Playing Game, Tales from the Floating Vagabond. This has been a monumental project and if I seem like I’m not commenting as much it’s likely I am chopping away at the pile of assignments that are due with this project. So far it has been a lot of fun and has stretched my abilities, I think it may be some of my best work to date. So be sure to go check out his website, where he is posting updates and progress on the project.
One thought on “Tales From the Floating Vagabond”
You’ll forgive a bit of envy from a TFFV fan, won’t you? Seriously, that’s great news! And don’t worry… You give us a great strip for free, so we’re not about to abandon you just because you got paying work. 😉