Character: Instiq Prime

Instiqs are a race of insectoids that were cyberised by the Trans Galactic Council to battle their dreaded foe the Noropian Gorts. The Council miscalculated and the cybernetics enhanced them so much that they became sentient and developed their own organic enhancements.
Instiqs usually keep to themselves on their hive planets, unless of course you disturb their nest by say… accidentally destroying their sun like the Xyoans (Ralf’s people) did. The Instiqs and many other races tend to hold a grudge about these things and have standing bounties for anyone who can eliminate a “Destroyer”.
103 42563 Jul 27, 2017
58 4729 Jun 15, 2017
Side Ways
66 5057 Jan 09, 2013
54 4440 Dec 07, 2012
Safety Net
73 4857 Aug 27, 2012
81 4384 Aug 20, 2012
69 4527 Aug 13, 2012
70 5167 Mar 25, 2011
Trade Secrets
77 5183 Mar 23, 2011
One For The Road
75 5332 Mar 21, 2011