So, what should he be?
[ {Ralf's Dad: Doctor, Ralf was born a Xyoan, isn't he supposed to be born whatever our original species were?} {Doctor: Yes, that does make him a peculiarity. Anything else?} ]
[ {Ralf's Dad: Yeah, was he supposed to be born with his EYES OPEN?! Because that's FREAKY, I don't care WHERE you're from!} {Ralf's Mom to Baby: It's the quality time that counts.} ]
9 thoughts on “Everyones A Critic”
Awwww… so adorable XD not to mention gets the braingears turning! I sense a hint to something or other in this strip XD Second panel definitely had me chuckling though! Loving it.
Scott Lincoln
I do get a kick out of drawing “Baby Ralf”. I’m glad the humor struck a chord with you… even if it is a dissonant one.
Bobby Pauls
Very nice art work. Impressive stuff!!
Scott Lincoln
Hey thank you very much! I’ve got alot more planned for it too!
Bobby Pauls
No problem Scott, I am looking forward to seeing it.
Praveen Sawh
very stylish and finished look
Scott Lincoln
Thank you very much! I strive for as clean a line as I can manage
Ohhh, picky picky picky! He’ll probably be standing in the ‘Returns’ queue because he wants to exchange his kid for a newer model!
Scott Lincoln
Well… that remains to be seen! There’s more to this story…