Well amidst all those furry creatures I’m sure the breeze he felt in the previous strip is at least gone. Ralf is sporting the first living fur coat(s).
Ralf is a technopath, he can only manipulate technology. His suit was made of a liquid construct (hyper-nano-tech) that he could alter and form… at least that’s what he’s said so far.
6 thoughts on “Zoological”
Hmmm, the poor little guy is green, half the critters around him are herbivores, I wonder if he smells like mint? =^^=
Todd McElmurry
Well amidst all those furry creatures I’m sure the breeze he felt in the previous strip is at least gone. Ralf is sporting the first living fur coat(s).
Cuteness for the win? :XD Nice detail the turtle on the left. :XDD
Scott Lincoln
The turtle is Back! I’m surprised no one saw the one who’s not supposed to be there… (previously mentioned but not seen)
Bart: Quoth the Raven: Eat my shorts.
Poor princess… I mean, Ralf! Can’t he absorb things to cover himself?
Scott Lincoln
Ralf is a technopath, he can only manipulate technology. His suit was made of a liquid construct (hyper-nano-tech) that he could alter and form… at least that’s what he’s said so far.