Doth Protest

A classic case of transference...

4 thoughts on “Doth Protest

  1. Scott,
    Have fun in Vegas? I saw a picture of you and Harold (Bridget Spicer, Squid Row Comics).!/media/set/?set=a.3030697574397.2157536.1471606698&type=1
    Nice shirt!

    1. Vegas was a lot of fun, well the seminar was anyhow. There were quite a few people there and all that I had occasion to speak to were very open and fun to talk to (including Bridgett). There was a lot of information to digest and I would highly recommend it for anyone is interested in making comics their profession. And thank you, that shirt is fast becoming my favorite, hope I don’t wear it out.

  2. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

    But seriously hopefully you’ll give us all an updated.

    1. It all went very well, the toughest part was the trip home and the three hour time difference. I’ll do a little follow up soon.

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