[ {Ralf: Although suspended animation was confining, I found dreams to be a new and unrestrained frontier...} ]

[ {Ralf: It was as though there were no boundries, no one could stop or judge me. I was free to explore the limits of my potential.} {Zorphah: So why did you leave?} ]

[ * ]

[ {Zorphah: I said...} {Ralf: I'm THINKING!} ]
2 3310

Living The Dream

Mmmm... sleep.

2 thoughts on “Living The Dream

  1. Скажите, а у вас есть RSS поток в этом блоге?

    Translation: “Tell me, do you have a RSS feed of this blog?”

    1. Yes I do! At the top of the site on the right side of the main navigation bar is an orange square, that is the RSS feed button.

      да я! В верхней части сайта в правой части главной панели навигации оранжевый квадрат, то есть кнопки RSS-канала.

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