No, it’s the same principle as charging and discharging a battery, only; happy people make him happy and he makes other people happy… the more joy he feels the stronger he gets… he’s an upbeat guy (according to Lexi).
I’m a bit confused, is the Defender a real person who has a comic book made about him or is Lexi trying to convince him a comic book character is real?
Maybe the queen alien? Wait a minute… you’re trying to tell me something. Sadly, my spelling dictionary only tells me if the letters are right and I get cross-eyed lettering sometimes.
0 thoughts on “Defender Of Earth”
Unicorns aren’t stupid! (Unless they have been rolling in the Poison Joke, but even then effects may vary!) =^^=
Wait… The Defender feeds AND radiates jubilant power? Doesn’t that mean he powers himself?
Scott Lincoln
No, it’s the same principle as charging and discharging a battery, only; happy people make him happy and he makes other people happy… the more joy he feels the stronger he gets… he’s an upbeat guy (according to Lexi).
I’m a bit confused, is the Defender a real person who has a comic book made about him or is Lexi trying to convince him a comic book character is real?
Deb Wolfe
I guess, then, if he is surrounded by grouchy, nasty, evil people, he loses his powers… (his “kryptonite”, if you will…)
Hoards of aliens? I hoard food to be prepared for invading alien hordes, Who hoards aliens in preparation for invading foods?
Scott Lincoln
Maybe the queen alien? Wait a minute… you’re trying to tell me something. Sadly, my spelling dictionary only tells me if the letters are right and I get cross-eyed lettering sometimes.
Scott Lincoln
I’m surprised know one picked up on the bonus detail… Maybe they did and didn’t mention it.
He’s bald?
Mr. Toasty
Aha. That certainly looks like Thane there in the lab coat and glasses. He did hint at doing that sort of work in the past. The plot thickens ^_^
Scott Lincoln
Bonus detail!