Thane: So tell me Ralf, how'd you score a sweet job like Destroyer of Earth?

Ralf: Well, I started at the bottom... there weren't very many job options where I was from...

[Left sign: REALLY COOL JOBS, experience required]

[Right sign: JOBS TO LOSE YOUR WILL TO LIVE BY, no experience required]

Ralf: I don't think I like the direction this is going.
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4 thoughts on “Choices

  1. Well, looks live is the same old everywhere. :XD

  2. I hear the sage words of Matt Foley echoing in my mind…

  3. Nice!

    In my high school, they fed us a similar line pf crap:

    O.H. W.O.W. = Our Happiness in the World of Work =^^=

    The truth is far more sinister! 😀

  4. “They sentenced me to twenty years of boredom,
    For trying to change the system from within”

    – Leonard Cohen –

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