Well, in addition to my Comics Buyers Guide write up I was asked by Sketch Maven to do an interview for their Artist Profile.
My favorite part (besides just being asked) was on their front page…
“Scott Lincoln, the cartoonist of one of the funniest webcomics, Ralf the Destroyer…”
I didn’t even have to pay them to say that!
Anyhoo… If you would like to check out the interview just click the image to the left and it will take you straight to the interview. The image was actually taken from their front page.
As Ralf the Destroyer starts gleaning more attention, I want to take a moment to thank you the fans who make Ralf the Destroyer a regular part of your comic reading experience. You guys are the reason I work hard to create this story… that and some sick compulsive behavior.
I’d also like to, again, thank Sketch Maven for considering me and adding me to their profiles.