Mix March Madness

Uugh! I didn’t realize ComicMix.com had a Mix March Madness Webcomic Tournament! We just discovered it doing a random “Ralf the Destroyer” search. I would, however, like to thank the readers who thought of Ralf the Destroyer, nominated it and for those who were able to vote for it in the first round!

If I had known I would have campaigned a bit more by posting about it sooner and yacking about it on Facebook and Twitter a bit. Aside from that there are a bunch of great comics over there that can still use your vote, so mosey on over there and help your other favorites out!

For Those in Deutschland

For all those German speaking readers out there (Germany ranks forth in visits according to Google Analytics) Ralf the Destroyer is being translated into your native tongue. So far the comic network site “Streifenhoernchen” is only in its Beta format and there are only a few “Ralf” strips up but the translator did a great job finding a font and justifying it to fit in the word balloons.

Comic Booked

Ralf the Destroyer got a nice mention over at the Comic Booked website for their “Webcomics Wednesdays”. Ralf got a mention in the “aliens category and listed second behind “Zorphbert and Fred” by Dawn Griffin who I had the pleasure of meeting at the Wizard Philadelphia Comic Con this summer. Feel free to stop by the Comic Booked site and comment!

Guesting at Wizard Philadelphia

The Wizard con in Philadelphia is fast approaching and I am a guest! I will be attending the Philadelphia Comic Con June 17-18-19, 2011 Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. I am particularly jazzed since they have quite the guest list there, which now includes me too! Now not only is that cool but Wizard has also invited me to be a guest at the New England Comic Con running later this year in September (17-18, 2011 Saturday and Sunday) at the Hynes Convention Center, Boston MA.

If any readers are attending these conventions please be sure to stop by and say hello! I will have original art on display and for sale along with the new book and mini comic. Not only that, but it’s just cool to meet the people who enjoy making Ralf the Destroyer a part of their week. Hope I see you there!

( and a special thanks to Stephen Shamus for inviting me 😀 )

Spotlight On Ralf the Destroyer

Today Ralf the Destroyer is being featured on the So Entertain Me Network website. The Spotlight on Comics article is featured on their main page for comics.

The highly flattering article is certainly appreciated and if you’re like me, you’ll find yourself heading back there again. The So Entertain Me site focuses on Sci-Fi, Gaming and Comics… what’s not to like?

Also, their site has been very supportive of Ralf the Destroyer (by sponsoring Ralf with ad space etc) so be sure to show them some love and leave some comments!

Don’t Pick the Flowers

I was recently contacted by David Hurley about doing an interview about Ralf the Destroyer for the blog section of his webcomic site, “Don’t Pick the Flowers”. I was (of course) quite happy to do so and it turn out well.

He asked some good questions and the article looks great so be sure to swing on over to the “Don’t Pick the Flowers” blog and leave a comment!

The Results Are In!

Hey everyone the results from the Ralf the Destroyer Anniversary Contest are in! Anyone who commented on the Ralf the Destroyer .com site over the last year was automatically entered (with one ticket per comment).

Winners will be contacted by email and only their screen names will be used here. Without further delay, the winners are:

Continue reading “The Results Are In!”

One Year of Ralf the Destroyer!

Today, November 16th 2010, marks the one year anniversary of continuously updated Ralf the Destroyer comic strips on this web site. To date that racks up 161 comic strips (mostly dailies and few Sundays). It’s not yet enough to publish a collection (which would be an awesome way to celebrate) but I think it’s a fine start.

Continue reading “One Year of Ralf the Destroyer!”

Year One Approaches

I was reminded by my wife the other day that the One Year Anniversary of Ralf the Destroyer is fast approaching. November 16th 2009 was the official first strip on this web site and has been continuously updating each week. I’m not sure what I’m going to do about it just yet, but I have just under two weeks to think of something.

I would also like to thank all the readers who have been following Ralf the Destroyer for this past year and all the new readers, who have started following Ralf’s adventures, and contributed to its growing audience.

Baltimore Comic Con

I just received my table confirmation at the Baltimore Comic Con. A quick trip over to the Con site (click image to go there) confirmed that I am indeed listed in Artist Alley, Woohoo! I’ll be displaying original strips, selling my first issue mini comic and generally promoting Ralf the Destroyer during the show, August 28th and 29th. So if you are planning on attending the Baltimore Comic Con, please come on over and visit me in Artist Alley!

UPDATE 2010-08-20: I just received my table assignment at Baltimore! If you are attending the Con you will find me at table #A28


I am beginning the process of transcribing all of the comics on the Ralf the Destroyer site. I’ve hear other web cartoonists using it to better catalog their collections but also saw something that implied that WordPress/Comicpress transcripts allow for language translation (which I find an intriguing prospect).

While it may take me a little time to work my way back through my archives I feel it’s a better now than later situation. If you have any thoughts or experience in using transcripts with-in Worpress/Comicpress, let me know what you think.

ConnectiCon 2010, Postscript

Well, I got back from ConnectiCon and WOW! It was a great show with major Cos-play going on there. I’ve been to the New York Comic Con and this one actually had two to three times as many costumes in a much smaller convention (at the very least per density).

Continue reading “ConnectiCon 2010, Postscript”

ConnectiCon 2010

So I was aware of ConnectiCon a few years ago and thought, “Great! A local Comic Con!” I was then told that the main focus was on Manga and Anime and not to bother. Well, I do like doing things people tell me NOT to do, but I was busy looking for work and such at the time so I never got a chance. With the launch of Ralf the Destroyer I find myself looking into the idea of Comic Conventions once again.

Continue reading “ConnectiCon 2010”

Sketch Maven Interview

Well, in addition to my Comics Buyers Guide write up I was asked by Sketch Maven to do an interview for their Artist Profile.

My favorite part (besides just being asked) was on their front page…

“Scott Lincoln, the cartoonist of one of the funniest webcomics, Ralf the Destroyer…”

I didn’t even have to pay them to say that!

Continue reading “Sketch Maven Interview”

CBG #1667 is Out!

I just spent my day on a whirlwind road trip to local comic book haunts to pick up the current (July) issue of Comics Buyer’s Guide #1667. Why do such a thing? Well, because this very web comic gleaned a write-up in Kris Manty’s column Alien Invaders from the Internet in this very issue!

Continue reading “CBG #1667 is Out!”

Comic Buyer’s Guide

It has been confirmed that my comic Ralf the Destroyer has a write-up in the Webcomics review section of the July (#1667) issue of Comic Buyers Guide (page 51).

I just recently received the PDF sample from columnist Kris Manty, which included the article “Alien Invaders on the Internet” introducing Ralf the Destroyer (as one of three webcomics) to the Comic Buyer’s Guide audience. Make sure you grab a copy when they’re out, I know I will! 😀

Coyote Trax’s Review

Hearing that you’re about to be reviewed often stirs a mix of emotions that swirl around “Yea! Someone noticed!” to “Oh no! Someone noticed!”. Fortunately I knew with a Coyote Trax’s review, it would be highly entertaining either way. I have perused the Webcomicscritique.com site before and found it to be generally an encouraging and very lyrical read. While not every review is favorable, it is for the most part a very positively written blog which translates into light hearted and enjoyable to read. This just is an expression of someone who genuinely loves the medium of comics and good sequential story telling.

Well, I was informed by Coyote Trax that Ralf the Destroyer would be on the Tuesday Choice review. I was a bit surprised to garnish a review since my strip is pretty new to the scene. I wasn’t terribly worried about a scathing review since Coyote Trax has historically been fair and balanced and I consider this no exception. I encourage everyone to head on over to the Webcomicscritique.com site and have a look at The Tuesday Choice – Ralf the Destroyer review.