Baltimore Comic Con

I just received my table confirmation at the Baltimore Comic Con. A quick trip over to the Con site (click image to go there) confirmed that I am indeed listed in Artist Alley, Woohoo! I’ll be displaying original strips, selling my first issue mini comic and generally promoting Ralf the Destroyer during the show, August 28th and 29th. So if you are planning on attending the Baltimore Comic Con, please come on over and visit me in Artist Alley!

UPDATE 2010-08-20: I just received my table assignment at Baltimore! If you are attending the Con you will find me at table #A28

Fan Page on Facebook

I’ve had a personal profile of Facebook for a while now, but I’ve finally decided to set up a fan page for Ralf the Destroyer. I discovered a couple of RSS plug-ins and added them to both the Profile and Fan pages. If you have a Facebook account I invite you to add the Ralf the Destroyer Fan Page to it, just click on the badge in the left sidebar. Regular updates should occur.

CBG #1667 is Out!

I just spent my day on a whirlwind road trip to local comic book haunts to pick up the current (July) issue of Comics Buyer’s Guide #1667. Why do such a thing? Well, because this very web comic gleaned a write-up in Kris Manty’s column Alien Invaders from the Internet in this very issue!

Continue reading “CBG #1667 is Out!”

Comic Buyer’s Guide

It has been confirmed that my comic Ralf the Destroyer has a write-up in the Webcomics review section of the July (#1667) issue of Comic Buyers Guide (page 51).

I just recently received the PDF sample from columnist Kris Manty, which included the article “Alien Invaders on the Internet” introducing Ralf the Destroyer (as one of three webcomics) to the Comic Buyer’s Guide audience. Make sure you grab a copy when they’re out, I know I will! 😀

Ralf the Destroyer Wallpaper

For all of those out there who have been thinking they need to change their desktop wallpaper, you’re in luck! I managed to upload the very same wallpaper I put on my computer featuring Ralf the Destroyer on Webcomic Best of all it’s free!

Yes, even though the purpose of that site is to raise support for hungry cartoonists (honestly, how much soup can one person eat?) I chose to make this first offering a freebie for you guys because I appreciate your readership. It comes formatted in several sizes and no strings attached, so go ahead and download a copy for yourself!