[ {Wife: Honey, it's two A.M., come back to bed.} {Husband: I can't sleep...} ]

[ {Husband: First the sky is dark, then it's light, then dark, light, dark... What on EARTH causes that?!} ]

[ * ]

[ Well it has been a long trip to get to Earth. ]

[ Maybe I should get out, stretch my legs and get some fresh air. ]

[ * ]

[ {Ralf: Computer, how much time have I wasted staring out this window day-dreaming?} {Computer: Four Earth Days.} ]

[ {Computer: The lunar cycle is 27.32 days and an Earth week is composed of seven days... } ]

[ {Ralf: ALRIGHT! Three day week-end!} ]

[ Hold on a second, I was about to DESTROY EARTH when I started IMAGINING the interview to come, then I started RECALLING my PAST which made me THINK about the DREAMS I had... ]
[ You just KNOW you're EASILY distracted when you start IMAGINING you have DAYDREAMS inside of your FANTASY... ]

[ {Zorphah: We're back on "The Ten Most Fascinating Xyoans Special" and I'm here with Ralf the Destroyer.} ]

[ {Zorphah: So Ralf, with your parents strange and sudden disappearance, you turned out to be a completely worthless LOSER, right?} ]

[ {Ralf: I wish my INNER CRITIC would stay out of my IMAGINARY interviews.} ]

Ashcan Project

I’m finishing up a side project tentatively called “Ralf the Destroyer: Chronicles of Xyo” Issue #1, it’s a black and white, ashcan comic book (about 8″x 5″) with (hopefully) a color cover.

When I started developing the story of Ralf I wanted to make sure I had enough material to keep up with daily syndication for about 11 years, a daunting task. The reason for this was from Lee Nordling’s book Your Career in Comics where there was a quote saying that comics didn’t become profitable until this point. That was many moons ago and it seems now a days a five year contract is the norm with syndicates and 10 years is more like the life span of many newer comics rather than their jump off point.

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[ {Ralf: It was during my time in the Forest of Knowledge that both my parents disappeared altogether.} ]

[ {Ralf: the ONLY way I kept my hope up was that there was a GREATER purpose... A REASON I was going through ALL of this...} ]

[ {Zorphah: Like your parents were crazy?} {Ralf: EXACTLY!} ]

[ {Zorphah: Alone in the Forest of Knowledge, why go there? Didn't you crave personal contact?} ]

[ {Ralf: Not really, I like being alone.} {Zorphah: So what were you looking for?} ]

[ {Ralf: TRUE LOVE I think.} {Zorphah: You can't find true love WITHOUT people!} ]

[ {Ralf: I was searching for a love ONLY two HERMITS could share.} ]

[ {Ralf: Having lost everything and no where else to go, I spent considerable time in Xyo's compendium of data, the forest of knowledge.} ]

[ {Zorphah: What was the FIRST lesson you learned in its hallowed halls?} ]

[ {Ralf: That it's REALLY easy to get LOST in there!} ]

Reddick Strikes Again!

Well I have to say my holiday was made just a little bit brighter when I received a note from David Reddick letting me know he posted a couple of sketches he did of Ralf the Destroyer on his “Legend of Bill” website.

Dave is a great cartoonist and you may recognize his other strips, “Rod & Barry” and “Gene’s Journal” as well. His drawings always look like he has a great time drawing them and this was no exception! Thanks Dave!

[ {Ralf: Although suspended animation was confining, I found dreams to be a new and unrestrained frontier...} ]

[ {Ralf: It was as though there were no boundries, no one could stop or judge me. I was free to explore the limits of my potential.} {Zorphah: So why did you leave?} ]

[ * ]

[ {Zorphah: I said...} {Ralf: I'm THINKING!} ]

[ While I was in suspended animation, I did something new... I DREAMT. ]

[ It was in these dreams I started asking serious questions... "Why am I here?" "What is my purpose?" ]

[ I mean I could accept even a small part in it things as long as it was a true and meaningful one. ]

[ Eh, who am I kidding? Being only a small part would have been a huge disappointment. ]

[ {Zorphah: We're back with Ralf the Destroyer. So by now you have no peer group and your family keeps putting you in suspended animation...} ]

[ {Zorphah: Was it a lonely time for you?} {Ralf: No, I've always been an introspective sort.} ]

[ {Ralf: It gave me time to think and look deep inside and answer some of life's more important questions...} ]

[ {Zorphah: Like why they didn't love you?} {Ralf: Yeah...} ]

[ {Zorphah: So Ralf, when you added the "Destroyer" to your name, what was behind that decision?} ]

[ {Ralf: Actually, it was kind of given to me, because... Well... I "Destroyed" a planet.} ]

[ * ]

[ {Zorphah: YEAH! Nice research GUYS!} ]

[ {Ralf: Just THINK of it though, after I destroy Earth and return a big shot HERO, everyone is going to want to hear the story. There will be book offers and interviews GALORE!} ]

[ {Zorphah: And as you've guessed, he's number one on my "Ten Most Fascinating Xyoans" Year End Special, Ralf the Destroyer!} ]

[ {Zorphah: And of course by "fascinating", I mean "whomever we've taken the most pictures of..."} ]

[ Soon I shall fulfill my mission and triumphantly return to the Galactic Council, where I will be heralded as a HERO! ]

[ Imagine THAT! I'll be FAMOUS and everyone will want a piece of me. ]

[ * ]

[ What's this Universe coming to, when you've got to BLOW UP a WHOLE planet just to get people's attention? ]

Video Trailer

Hey there! Just posted a promotional video trailer to the “About the Comic” page (see link in top nav bar) for anyone who hasn’t seen it. I made this a few years back when I was using Flash 8 and had just started shopping my comic around the syndicates. I purchased a great sound track for it (which totally makes the video) from a royalty free music site called Shockwave Sound, so make sure your speakers are turned up!

[ Okay, I'm here to destroy Earth; I've got the gun and the mandate... All I have to do is push this button to start the sequence. ]

[ Okay, I'll just press it NOW... I mean, NOW! Drats... ]

[ I'm going to do it... I'm going to do it... NOW! No, NOW! Now! No, really, NOW! ]

[ I wish my conscience and my ambition had more in common. ]

[ Poised over Earth in this expansive dreadnaught, I wonder about the task I've been assigned... ]

[ My natural distrust of others, along with the ease and expense of this mission, seem a bit unsettling. ]

[ I should probably just trust the council, destroy Earth and be done with it. And yet... ]

[ *sigh* Nothing slows down the wheels of progress like paranoia. ]

[ Here I stand, Ralf the Destroyer, poised to obliterate a whole world. In the silence of this massive war ship, I contemplate Earth's future. ]

[ Are its people consumed with the destruction of each other, their world and galaxy? From here it seems so beautiful... ]

[ I guess beauty is really in the eye of proximity. ]