Hearing that you’re about to be reviewed often stirs a mix of emotions that swirl around “Yea! Someone noticed!” to “Oh no! Someone noticed!”. Fortunately I knew with a Coyote Trax’s review, it would be highly entertaining either way. I have perused the Webcomicscritique.com site before and found it to be generally an encouraging and very lyrical read. While not every review is favorable, it is for the most part a very positively written blog which translates into light hearted and enjoyable to read. This just is an expression of someone who genuinely loves the medium of comics and good sequential story telling.
Well, I was informed by Coyote Trax that Ralf the Destroyer would be on the Tuesday Choice review. I was a bit surprised to garnish a review since my strip is pretty new to the scene. I wasn’t terribly worried about a scathing review since Coyote Trax has historically been fair and balanced and I consider this no exception. I encourage everyone to head on over to the Webcomicscritique.com site and have a look at The Tuesday Choice – Ralf the Destroyer review.