Ralf: So why are you quitting?

Estelle: I've placed you in hundreds of jobs and you've FAILED at ALL of them. In spite of that, you continue trying, every day, for success... Again and again and again...

Ralf: So I've INSPIRED you to reach for more in life?

Estelle: NO! You've driven me NUTS! I can't take it any more!

Baltimore Comic Con

I just received my table confirmation at the Baltimore Comic Con. A quick trip over to the Con site (click image to go there) confirmed that I am indeed listed in Artist Alley, Woohoo! I’ll be displaying original strips, selling my first issue mini comic and generally promoting Ralf the Destroyer during the show, August 28th and 29th. So if you are planning on attending the Baltimore Comic Con, please come on over and visit me in Artist Alley!

UPDATE 2010-08-20: I just received my table assignment at Baltimore! If you are attending the Con you will find me at table #A28

Estelle: Okay Ralf, today's your lucky day. I'm quitting so you can talk to the big boss about job placement.

Ralf: Robots can quit?
Estelle: We're unionized too.

Estelle: (Oh boy, here we go again)

Estelle: Ralf, everyday you come in for a new job and everyday you come back a miserable failure. You CAN'T KEEP doing this.

Ralf: Because there's a LIMIT on reapplication?

Estelle: NO, because there's a LIMIT to how much UGLINESS I can witness.

[Ralf's job attempt #532]
Ralf:(Hover cab test driver... Hm. I like driving...

Ralf: Are these targets on this suit?
Science Xyoan: Yes, they track motion

Ralf: HEY! This steering wheel doesn't work!

Ralf: I don't like the job I was assigned.

Estelle: We can't change the job because the match is based on your identity and character.


Ralf: I don't like the personality I was assigned.

Ralf: I think my application may have been rushed

Estelle: Each individual and application are carefully considered and given the utmost attention and respect

Ralf: You put me in a dunk tank, I CAN'T SWIM!

Estelle: We thought treading water was a perfect fit for you

Ralf: You see Thane, the career assignment process on Xyo was pretty direct...

Estelle: Just honestly answer the questions, your social value will be tabulated and you will be assigned a job matching your personality and worth.

(Ralf in a Dunk Tank)

Thane: So tell me Ralf, how'd you score a sweet job like Destroyer of Earth?

Ralf: Well, I started at the bottom... there weren't very many job options where I was from...

[Left sign: REALLY COOL JOBS, experience required]

[Right sign: JOBS TO LOSE YOUR WILL TO LIVE BY, no experience required]

Ralf: I don't think I like the direction this is going.

ConnectiCon 2010, Postscript

Well, I got back from ConnectiCon and WOW! It was a great show with major Cos-play going on there. I’ve been to the New York Comic Con and this one actually had two to three times as many costumes in a much smaller convention (at the very least per density).

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Ralf: Thane would you be upset if I told you I was an alien sent here to destroy your planet?

Thane: (wearing a sign that reads: aliens have come to destroy us all) Could I stand next to you so I could say, "I told you so" to the whole world?

Ralf: What would it matter, everyone would be disintegrated moments later?

Thane: Still! Imagine the look on their faces!

Thane: (wearing a sign that reads: The end is nigh) You know Ralf, people always say, "The two things you should never talk about are religion and politics"!

Thane: I say, "What else is there WORTH talking about"!

Ralf: How do they respond to that?

Thane: I don't know... I always wake up in the back of a police car after that...

Ralf: Thane, what's this sign for? (sign reads: FREE HUGS)

Thane: Oh, that one is for when I need to sleep in Central Park at night...

Thane: NO ONE comes near me with THAT baby on!

Thane: You see Ralf, I wear this sign when I'm down (sign reads: The epoch of doom is upon us) and this one when I'm mad (sign reads: Aliens have come to destroy us all)...

Thane: and this one when I'm happy (sign reads: The end is nigh).

Ralf: But you wear that one a lot?

Thane: (sign reads: The end is nigh) I'm an up beat kind of guy!