Thane: You see Ralf, I wear this sign when I'm down (sign reads: The epoch of doom is upon us) and this one when I'm mad (sign reads: Aliens have come to destroy us all)...

Thane: and this one when I'm happy (sign reads: The end is nigh).

Ralf: But you wear that one a lot?

Thane: (sign reads: The end is nigh) I'm an up beat kind of guy!

ConnectiCon 2010

So I was aware of ConnectiCon a few years ago and thought, “Great! A local Comic Con!” I was then told that the main focus was on Manga and Anime and not to bother. Well, I do like doing things people tell me NOT to do, but I was busy looking for work and such at the time so I never got a chance. With the launch of Ralf the Destroyer I find myself looking into the idea of Comic Conventions once again.

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