
I am beginning the process of transcribing all of the comics on the Ralf the Destroyer site. I’ve hear other web cartoonists using it to better catalog their collections but also saw something that implied that WordPress/Comicpress transcripts allow for language translation (which I find an intriguing prospect).

While it may take me a little time to work my way back through my archives I feel it’s a better now than later situation. If you have any thoughts or experience in using transcripts with-in Worpress/Comicpress, let me know what you think.

ConnectiCon 2010, Postscript

Well, I got back from ConnectiCon and WOW! It was a great show with major Cos-play going on there. I’ve been to the New York Comic Con and this one actually had two to three times as many costumes in a much smaller convention (at the very least per density).

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Webcomic-Z List

Woohoo! In today’s news, Ralf the Destroyer breaks the Top 100 on Webcomic-Z’s list January 12th 2010 coming in at #97. I think Webcomic-Z uses a combination of stats and votes to rank web comics on their list. So I’d like to thank all the voters and return visitors. I hope Ralf the Destroyer continues to grow and entertain you.