Year One Approaches

I was reminded by my wife the other day that the One Year Anniversary of Ralf the Destroyer is fast approaching. November 16th 2009 was the official first strip on this web site and has been continuously updating each week. I’m not sure what I’m going to do about it just yet, but I have just under two weeks to think of something.

I would also like to thank all the readers who have been following Ralf the Destroyer for this past year and all the new readers, who have started following Ralf’s adventures, and contributed to its growing audience.

Baltimore Comic Con

I just received my table confirmation at the Baltimore Comic Con. A quick trip over to the Con site (click image to go there) confirmed that I am indeed listed in Artist Alley, Woohoo! I’ll be displaying original strips, selling my first issue mini comic and generally promoting Ralf the Destroyer during the show, August 28th and 29th. So if you are planning on attending the Baltimore Comic Con, please come on over and visit me in Artist Alley!

UPDATE 2010-08-20: I just received my table assignment at Baltimore! If you are attending the Con you will find me at table #A28


I am beginning the process of transcribing all of the comics on the Ralf the Destroyer site. I’ve hear other web cartoonists using it to better catalog their collections but also saw something that implied that WordPress/Comicpress transcripts allow for language translation (which I find an intriguing prospect).

While it may take me a little time to work my way back through my archives I feel it’s a better now than later situation. If you have any thoughts or experience in using transcripts with-in Worpress/Comicpress, let me know what you think.

Fan Page on Facebook

I’ve had a personal profile of Facebook for a while now, but I’ve finally decided to set up a fan page for Ralf the Destroyer. I discovered a couple of RSS plug-ins and added them to both the Profile and Fan pages. If you have a Facebook account I invite you to add the Ralf the Destroyer Fan Page to it, just click on the badge in the left sidebar. Regular updates should occur.

ConnectiCon 2010, Postscript

Well, I got back from ConnectiCon and WOW! It was a great show with major Cos-play going on there. I’ve been to the New York Comic Con and this one actually had two to three times as many costumes in a much smaller convention (at the very least per density).

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ConnectiCon 2010

So I was aware of ConnectiCon a few years ago and thought, “Great! A local Comic Con!” I was then told that the main focus was on Manga and Anime and not to bother. Well, I do like doing things people tell me NOT to do, but I was busy looking for work and such at the time so I never got a chance. With the launch of Ralf the Destroyer I find myself looking into the idea of Comic Conventions once again.

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Sketch Maven Interview

Well, in addition to my Comics Buyers Guide write up I was asked by Sketch Maven to do an interview for their Artist Profile.

My favorite part (besides just being asked) was on their front page…

“Scott Lincoln, the cartoonist of one of the funniest webcomics, Ralf the Destroyer…”

I didn’t even have to pay them to say that!

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CBG #1667 is Out!

I just spent my day on a whirlwind road trip to local comic book haunts to pick up the current (July) issue of Comics Buyer’s Guide #1667. Why do such a thing? Well, because this very web comic gleaned a write-up in Kris Manty’s column Alien Invaders from the Internet in this very issue!

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Comic Buyer’s Guide

It has been confirmed that my comic Ralf the Destroyer has a write-up in the Webcomics review section of the July (#1667) issue of Comic Buyers Guide (page 51).

I just recently received the PDF sample from columnist Kris Manty, which included the article “Alien Invaders on the Internet” introducing Ralf the Destroyer (as one of three webcomics) to the Comic Buyer’s Guide audience. Make sure you grab a copy when they’re out, I know I will! 😀

Ghost House Arrives

On a slightly different topic, I received my copies of Ghost House in the mail yesterday. Ghost House is a Graphic Novel project I did last year for Rubicon Books’ (award winning) BOLDPRINT Series.

BOLDPRINT Graphic Novels are leveled using an extensive list of criteria, allowing teachers to address each individual’s reading abilities. Ghost House was written by Jayn Arnold and Glen Downey and illustrated by Scott Lincoln and is aimed at 4th grade readers.

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Ralf the Destroyer Wallpaper

For all of those out there who have been thinking they need to change their desktop wallpaper, you’re in luck! I managed to upload the very same wallpaper I put on my computer featuring Ralf the Destroyer on Webcomic Best of all it’s free!

Yes, even though the purpose of that site is to raise support for hungry cartoonists (honestly, how much soup can one person eat?) I chose to make this first offering a freebie for you guys because I appreciate your readership. It comes formatted in several sizes and no strings attached, so go ahead and download a copy for yourself!

Coyote Trax’s Review

Hearing that you’re about to be reviewed often stirs a mix of emotions that swirl around “Yea! Someone noticed!” to “Oh no! Someone noticed!”. Fortunately I knew with a Coyote Trax’s review, it would be highly entertaining either way. I have perused the site before and found it to be generally an encouraging and very lyrical read. While not every review is favorable, it is for the most part a very positively written blog which translates into light hearted and enjoyable to read. This just is an expression of someone who genuinely loves the medium of comics and good sequential story telling.

Well, I was informed by Coyote Trax that Ralf the Destroyer would be on the Tuesday Choice review. I was a bit surprised to garnish a review since my strip is pretty new to the scene. I wasn’t terribly worried about a scathing review since Coyote Trax has historically been fair and balanced and I consider this no exception. I encourage everyone to head on over to the site and have a look at The Tuesday Choice – Ralf the Destroyer review.

Webcomic-Z List

Woohoo! In today’s news, Ralf the Destroyer breaks the Top 100 on Webcomic-Z’s list January 12th 2010 coming in at #97. I think Webcomic-Z uses a combination of stats and votes to rank web comics on their list. So I’d like to thank all the voters and return visitors. I hope Ralf the Destroyer continues to grow and entertain you.

Ashcan Project

I’m finishing up a side project tentatively called “Ralf the Destroyer: Chronicles of Xyo” Issue #1, it’s a black and white, ashcan comic book (about 8″x 5″) with (hopefully) a color cover.

When I started developing the story of Ralf I wanted to make sure I had enough material to keep up with daily syndication for about 11 years, a daunting task. The reason for this was from Lee Nordling’s book Your Career in Comics where there was a quote saying that comics didn’t become profitable until this point. That was many moons ago and it seems now a days a five year contract is the norm with syndicates and 10 years is more like the life span of many newer comics rather than their jump off point.

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Reddick Strikes Again!

Well I have to say my holiday was made just a little bit brighter when I received a note from David Reddick letting me know he posted a couple of sketches he did of Ralf the Destroyer on his “Legend of Bill” website.

Dave is a great cartoonist and you may recognize his other strips, “Rod & Barry” and “Gene’s Journal” as well. His drawings always look like he has a great time drawing them and this was no exception! Thanks Dave!

Project Wonderful

In the spirit of the season, I’ve added Project Wonderful ad boxes to the site. Well, actually it had little to do with the season and more to do with me just rounding the corner on their minimum requirements. Anyone interested in advertising, keep in mind this is an all ages site but the bidding starts at zero. So it balances out. Just click on the links to the right and Project Wonderful will set you up! Thanks guys!

Video Trailer

Hey there! Just posted a promotional video trailer to the “About the Comic” page (see link in top nav bar) for anyone who hasn’t seen it. I made this a few years back when I was using Flash 8 and had just started shopping my comic around the syndicates. I purchased a great sound track for it (which totally makes the video) from a royalty free music site called Shockwave Sound, so make sure your speakers are turned up!

Character Page

I just added a character page (see top menu bar) on today. Initially I wasn’t going to post it since it’s still so early in the strip and many of the characters have not yet been introduced. There’s a bit of info about the bigger picture part of the story-line, so I guess this is a bit of a preview if you’d like something to look forward to.

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Starting Monday…

Okay, looks like I’m set to start posting Monday the 16th three times a week. I picked up some ad space at Project Wonderful so hopefully that will generate some traffic as well.

For any new comers, Ralf the Destroyer is an all ages strip I developed for daily syndication (a long road I’m still traveling) after assisting on Nancy for 6 years. To that end it is created entirely by hand (no vector lines, no fonts etc) just india ink on bristol board. It is a labor of love and I hope that comes through the artwork.


Just wanted to keep everyone updated on the progress of the site. I see people returning to check on the progress and I appreciate your loyalty (or at least your curiosity). My target to re launch Ralf the Destroyer  (as in posting regularly) is mid November.

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All Moved in…

Okay, well I’m all moved in to a new (and hopefully more stable) hosting server. Now I just gotta go through the site and make sure the brand new version of WordPress is playing nicely with the brand new version of Comicpress and Comicpress Manager… and get the site (css) looking the way it should… and restart the strip… okay, I’ve got a bit of work to do. It is moving forward though, so I hope you all will continue to check in as I get this strip off the ground in one way or another… Thanks for your support!