July 17th

It’s official! July 17th 2024 the first new “Ralf the Destroyer” comic, in quite some time, will be posting. In addition the site has returned to its original (non scrolling, archival home page) format so the newest comic will be posting to the homepage from now on.

I am also thinning the number of Social media sites I post to, so I can focus on this site and which social media platforms work best. Please speak up on those sites you use, to help my consideration.

Yes, It’s back for 2024!

As some have surmised from binge reading this site and those who have been original readers, the last (formerly published) comic strip was back in 2017. I always maintained that my desire was to complete this story and it is my plan that the adventure will continue starting in July 2024. The above image is a week of brand new, penciled strips picking up right where the story left off and more are to come.

I’ve spent the last couple years retro coloring all the strips and rebuilding the website on a more secure server as well as trying to learn how to build a healthy social media presence. The reposting of strips on social media will all catch up to the site in July, so that’s when the new strips will pick up and I will revert the site back to a more standard “webcomic” format. Between now and July it is my intention to build up my buffer and start re-releasing the books in color as digital collections.

Though the road has been rife with difficulties, it has always been my great pleasure to create this story and it is my great hope that all of you will enjoy the adventure with me.

Site Repair

The Ralf the Destroyer site is repaired! If you have tried accessing the site and found images not loading or the site hanging, It turns out there were http/https conflicts. The good news is I believe I may have resolved these issues and ralfthedestroyer.com seems to be preforming much better.

Thanks to DrJackSahib on Reddit for pointing me in the correct direction.

2022 Major Overhaul

As of this writing (June first, 2022) the “Ralf the Destroyer” website has undergone a complete revision. First and most importantly the site’s hosting has been moved to InMotion which prides itself in repelling spam and malware (no going cheap this time) I’m making the investment for a safe viewing experience. While all of the old posts were migrated over, the site itself was a clean rebuild using the Toocheke theme which offers the infinite scroll archive on the landing page. Also, every single strip has been refinished to provide a warmer, more nostalgic, reading.

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Opportunity Knocked, It Needed Color

So, here’s what has been going on…

I have been working with the good folks at the Ink Bottle Syndicate to get Ralf the Destroyer into newspapers. This has turned out to be an epic project (by epic, I mean it’s taken many years). My hope is that 2015 will be the year Ralf gets out of the “gate” because… I really need the strip to turn the corner on making an income and I truly believe it can really take off if it can see newsprint.

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Must Read for 2014

Although I announced this on our Facebook page, Ralf the Destroyer made into the “Best Webcomics to Follow in 2014” list over at the website “The 100 Best Graphic Novels”. This site’s goal is to help old and new graphic novel fans to find something to new to read. Currently,  listing the top 100 graphic novels of all time as a good starting point. There are also weekly reviews and recommendations based on what the author reading at the time.

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TGT Media Tournament Round 3

At first glance it appeared that Ralf had made it into the semi-finals, but there were actually three rounds before that.

I am super happy that so many showed up to vote for the second round! This round (3rd) I’m up against Robin Dempsey who does “LeyLines”. She is a fine artist, storyteller and member of Webcomics Alliance crew who are (from my experience) fine group of artists.

Never the less, I still would love to see how far Ralf the Destroyer can go and your votes are what make he difference! Please be sure to stop over at TGT Media and cast your vote for Ralf the Destroyer in Bracket 2 (no less)!

Thanks for our continued support!

TGT Tournament

Every year, specifically August 8th, is TGT Media’s Birthday!

To celebrate this day, a special yearly Tournament is held where the past fifty episodes battle it out for bragging rights, cross-promotion and other prizes.

This year’s Tournament has my interview about “Ralf the Destroyer” in it.

Our interview is in Bracket 4 (or fourth down the list).

Readers can vote every hour. Round 1 ends on August 9th 11:59PM.
If we have the most votes in our bracket we will move onto the next round.

The main prize is we will have top priority for next year’s TGT Media interview list at your schedule/convenience.
Other prizes may follow as the month goes on.

Ralf can always use whatever exposure can be mustered, so be sure to vote by clicking the link!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is the day after tomorrow, so I will be taking a few days off. I’m sure that most of you readers will be preparing for, and heading out, to spend time with your families (that’s as it should be). I am very thankful for your continued support as readers, for monetary donations through Paypal and for donated art supplies through Blick Art Materials. Ralf the Destroyer updates will resume on Monday the 26th and I hope you all a happy and safe Thanksgiving.

Sincerely, Scott Lincoln

P.S.: Don’t worry about the giant orbital death ray platform, known as the Gothra… Ralf left with the “safety” on.

Interviews Two

Unexpectedly, Ralf the Destroyer is getting some press on two fronts. I was contacted by Todd McElmurry, who is a contributor for Webcomic Alliance, letting me know he had been reading Ralf the Destroyer and wanted to choose it for his “Pick of the Month”. The article is up now on the Webcomic Alliance website and is a very well written and entertaining summary!

The second interview has been in the chute for a while. Kurt Sasso of TGT Media had originally had me scheduled to do an interview with him on the TGT Media podcast in November but moved it up to September 1st! Kurt is a generous host and I very much appreciated the opportunity to join him on his show and talk about Ralf!

This was my first audio interview, so of course there were some technical issues and I sounded like I’d been drinking Mountain Dew by the pint with Cappuccino chasers, but Kurt was great about it and I would not hesitate to be a part of the show again. The Ralf the Destroyer podcast (#269) is available on the TGT site and on iTunes.


Is it Ralf on pulp or is it Memorex? Hey I just figured out the coloring effect that I like for Ralf the Destroyer. Everyone knows that Ralf the Destroyer was designed for newspapers, which is why I and many readers seem to prefer Black and white vs color. However, I am a huge fan of newsprint and I even like the effect it has on color comics.

This is the undithered version.

I found some Photoshop tricks that let me convert my color files to a pretty authentic pulp look. I’m not sure when I might use it but I thought I’d run it by you (the readers) to see what you thought of it. Just click the thumbnail to see the full size image. Maybe I’ll use it for the Sunday strips in the future, please comment and let me know if you think it looks cool or if it’s not your cup of tea.

These are for comparison.

Ghost House on iTunes

So a few years ago I did a targeted reading level graphic novel for Rubicon Publishing in Canada, they provide content to educational book outlets and schools etc… So I’m looking for a finished cover which I don’t have to scan (since I just have the illustration files) to pad my portfolio and I stumble onto a link that says, “Ghost House on iTunes”.

Well it looks like the Skyreader part of the company is publishing their books as learn to read apps/iBooks on iTunes in February. So if you’re a fan of my art and you have kids and an iPad, you might want to check it out! Also, at the time of the writing there aren’t any comments on the iBook/app page, so it would be awesome if someone left some good feedback there and happened to mention the artist as well 😉

Site Update

While I’m sure everyone would prefer a comic update, the Ralf the Destroyer Site has been long over due for its own update. Many have been quick (but polite) to point out the navigation issues that were affecting the reading experience. I have managed to update the site to a newer version of Comicpress and that seems to have resolved the navigation problems as far as I can tell.

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Mix March Madness

Uugh! I didn’t realize ComicMix.com had a Mix March Madness Webcomic Tournament! We just discovered it doing a random “Ralf the Destroyer” search. I would, however, like to thank the readers who thought of Ralf the Destroyer, nominated it and for those who were able to vote for it in the first round!

If I had known I would have campaigned a bit more by posting about it sooner and yacking about it on Facebook and Twitter a bit. Aside from that there are a bunch of great comics over there that can still use your vote, so mosey on over there and help your other favorites out!

Tales From the Floating Vagabond

For those of you out there that don’t already know, I was hire by Lee Garvin who is the creator of the highly entertaining Role Playing Game, Tales from the Floating Vagabond. This has been a monumental project and if I seem like I’m not commenting as much it’s likely I am chopping away at the pile of assignments that are due with this project. So far it has been a lot of fun and has stretched my abilities, I think it may be some of my best work to date. So be sure to go check out his website, where he is posting updates and progress on the project.

Success in the World of Comics

Well I’ve booked my flight, my room and  I’m all signed up for the “Success in the World of Comics”seminar in Las Vegas. Looking at the list of speakers, looks like it’s going to be a great opportunity to meet some great folks in the industry and obtain important information and tools to help take Ralf the Destroyer to the next level.

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Updates update

Just a quick note to readers: It was my intention to start updating Ralf the Destroyer this week but due to a pretty destructive storm here in Connecticut I have not had any electricity since Saturday night (six days). The power has now returned and new Ralf strips will again resume on the original “Monday, Wednesday, Friday” schedule.

Thanks for your patience and support.

Back from Baltimore

Baltimore was a great show with a ton more traffic than I remember from last year. Got a lot of promotion done by introducing Ralf to many new wonderful people and sold out of the mini comic by Sunday afternoon, as well as sold quite a few of the new “Am I There Yet?” book.

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Ralf at Baltimore

Ralf the Destroyer will be at Baltimore this year! After attending last year, on the advice of many who encouraged it, we will be returning to what looks like an even bigger show this year.

If you are going to be in the Baltimore vicinity on August 20th-21st, be sure to stop by the Ralf the Destroyer booth! We’ll have mini comics, softcover books, sketch cards, original art and will be taking commissions. Hope we see you there!

Guesting at Wizard Philadelphia

The Wizard con in Philadelphia is fast approaching and I am a guest! I will be attending the Philadelphia Comic Con June 17-18-19, 2011 Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. I am particularly jazzed since they have quite the guest list there, which now includes me too! Now not only is that cool but Wizard has also invited me to be a guest at the New England Comic Con running later this year in September (17-18, 2011 Saturday and Sunday) at the Hynes Convention Center, Boston MA.

If any readers are attending these conventions please be sure to stop by and say hello! I will have original art on display and for sale along with the new book and mini comic. Not only that, but it’s just cool to meet the people who enjoy making Ralf the Destroyer a part of their week. Hope I see you there!

( and a special thanks to Stephen Shamus for inviting me 😀 )

Norman Rockwell Museum

Here’s a little write up about what’s going on at the Norman Rockwell Museum this summer. The reason I mention it is that I will be teaching some classes about the principals of animation and cartooning there. I certainly feel blessed to be a part of any program the Norman Rockwell Museum would present and it is my hope to inspire those who sign up to be a part of it too.

Ralf on Indy Planet

I have just been informed by Ka-Blam that the 164pg soft cover book “Ralf the Destroyer – Am I There Yet?” is now available on Indy Planet and Comics Monkey!

This is good news for those of you who enjoy reading from real paperback books now and then, just click on the cover image to the left and you will be able to order a copy even if you can not make it to one of the Con’s we’ll be attending this year. If you happen to be a “brick and mortar” comics shop, good news for you as well. The “Am I There Yet” collection is available on Comics Monkey which caters to comic book shops.

A digital version is not yet available, but I will be working on that as I attempt to spruce up my shop page. I will (of course) still be making these print versions and the mini comic available at cons. So be sure to stop by and say hello if I’m attending at one in your area!